
The Creandum funds

The mature Creandum funds are domiciled and operated from Guernsey and the more recent Creandum funds are domiciled and operated in Sweden (the “Guernsey Funds” and the “Swedish Funds”, respectively).

Each Guernsey Fund is structured as a Guernsey limited partnership which is managed by its general partner, being a Guernsey limited liability company.

Each Swedish Fund is structured as one or several Swedish limited liability companies investing in parallel and is managed by a fund manager (Creandum Select Fund Manager AB), being a Swedish limited liability company.

Each general partner and the fund manager, respectively, is in turn managed by its board of directors who is solely responsible for its operations and specifically all investment and divestment decisions during the life of the relevant fund.

The general partner (as regards the Guernsey Funds) and the fund manager (as regards the Swedish Funds) is supported directly or indirectly by one or several contracted investment advisory companies providing investment and other advice as well as thereto related services.

Investment returns from the Creandum funds are distributed among its investors. The general partner and the fund manager, respectively, is entitled to a management fee for its management of the relevant fund. The advisory companies charge the general partner or the fund manager (as applicable) a market-based investment advisory fee.

Where required, each general partner is licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, to carry on controlled investment business and the relevant Guernsey Fund is an authorized closed-ended investment fund thereunder. Each Swedish Fund qualifies as an alternative investment fund under the Swedish Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act (2013:561) and the fund manager is registered with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.